Pro Babe Wrestling
We thought it would be fun to do a little 1980's style female wrestling match, complete with the leotards and shiny tights, so we brought in LeAnn and Antoinette to battle one another. And
to keep it fair, we brought Kyoko in to be the referee.
The battlers met in the center of the ring while the referee went over the rules. She finally sent them to their corners and signalled for the bell.
The beauties circled then came together in a classic lock-up. Antoinette managed to pull LeAnn into a tight side headlock that brought the girl to her knee.
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But LeAnn relied on a closed-fist punch to Antoinette's belly to escape ... and got a talking to by the ref!
And when LeAnn smashed an elbow into Antoinette's exposed chin, Kyoko warned her again about using illegal moves. It was obvious that the Asian ref planned to officiate this match by the books!
In a true pro-wrestling match, an opponent can't be held in the corner so Kyoko began counting. If she reached 5, LeAnn could risk being disqualified. A short argument ensued until LeAnn decided to throw Antoinette out of the corner.
When Antoinette smashed into the opposite corner, LeAnn rushed her, going for a body splash. Antoinette, however, was able to duck out of the way at the last minute and LeAnn collided with the turnbuckles!
And now it was Antoinette's turn to get the warning count as she began choking LeAnn with her foot!
Antoinette went to town, stunning LeAnn with a snap mare and an early pin attempt. As Kyoko began slapping the mat, LeAnn managed to kick out at the last second!
Antoinette didn't let the missed pin faze her and quickly yanked LeAnn into a headscissors.
Kyoko checked to make sure it wasn't a choke.
It was pretty obvious that LeAnn was finished, so Antoinette started to play with her.
Antoinette positioned the groggy girl for her final move ... a devastating body splash!
Kyoko slapped the mat three times and raised Antoinette's hand in victory!