Video of the Week
"Anything Goes: Jocelyn vs Heather"
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Female Wrestling, Female Boxing, and More!
This site was inspired by my love of women's wrestling. From the early 70's, when I realized that females were involved in the predominantly male sport of professional wrestling, I wanted to be a part of it.
Being a fan, I bought every pro wrestling magazine that I could find that included women. I subscribed to catalogues from companies that sold "apartment wrestling" videos. I watched televised pro wrestling events diligently waiting for the rare female wrestling match. And then came... THE INTERNET!!!
With patience, hard work, many talented models, and a knowledge built from being a fan, Fem Wrestling Rooms was born! Please take some time to look around, check out our videos and photo stories, and consider becoming a special VIP member. There's something for nearly everyone's tastes and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!