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Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose

The girls meet in the ring, the challenge is made, and the bell rings. The gloves go up and it’s quickly evident that the visiting Rose is no match for Lo! In round one, Rose manages to hit lo a few times but Lo mostly dominates the tattooed beauty. In round two, Lo continues her jabbing combinations, snapping Rose’s head back with each punch. After being constantly taunted by Lo, rose loses her composure when the bell rings and hits Lo several times. Round three finds Rose making a comeback, getting Lo on the ropes and in a corner for several hard jabs. Lo is finally dropped but tells Rose that she’s actually getting turned on, confusing the visiting girl! When Lo falls to the mat, Rose thinks she’s won but is quickly surprised when Lo rises and attacks! Rose is finally pounded into dreamland with Lo saying, “Oh, how I love boxing pretty girls!” Enjoy this jab fest!

Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 01Click here for our video teaser!Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 01Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 02Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 03Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 04Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 05Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 06Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 07Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 08Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 09Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 10Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 11Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 12Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 13Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 14Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 15Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 16Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 17Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 18Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 19Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 20Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 21Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 22Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 23Jab Fest: Lo Finds a Rose - 24

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