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Wonder Lo's Super Audition

You’re a super hero who has just defeated your arch enemy. Lo, your little sister meets you in the ring in her bikini and boxing gloves to tell you that she’s been inspired by you and wants to also become a super hero. You dismiss her so she challenges you to a fight, planning to show off all of her super powers. She suddenly appears in her super hero outfit and confidently demonstrates her super speed as you try to punch her. But she’s too fast for you and you end up not even knowing where her super-fast punches are coming from! She continues by showing you  how she can freeze time, control your mind, and overpower you with her super strength. In the end, you manage to use a small power of yours to quick change her back into her bikini and boxing gloves but she realizes that when you make her lose her powers, you lose yours also! After finally destroying you and knocking you out, Lo mockingly decides to make you her sidekick. We know you’ll love getting destroyed by the lovely Lo!

Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 01Click here for our video teaser!Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 01Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 02Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 03Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 04Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 05Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 06Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 07Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 08Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 09Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 10Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 11Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 12Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 13Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 14Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 15Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 16Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 17Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 18Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 19Wonder Lo's Super Audition - 20

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