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Violet Makes a Big Mistake

Violet should know better than to sneak up on a visiting veteran female wrestler and go for a sleeper hold knockout. She’s obviously never met Constance, a tough woman who LOVES to knockout inexperienced girls. Constance breaks the hold and immediately causes Violet’s eyes to cross from a double arm choke. Our visitor then proceeds to KO poor Violet with a corner head scissor, cobra clutch, reverse lotus lock with an ankle choke, kneeling double arm choke, bear hug, body scissor/dragon sleeper combo, camel clutch/sleeper combo, and a reverse figure four head scissor. There’s plenty of crossed eyes and limp play as poor Violet learns a valuable lesson: Don’t ever pick a fight with someone if you don’t know what you’re doing. Enjoy!

Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 01Click here for our video teaser!Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 01Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 02Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 03Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 04Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 05Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 06Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 07Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 08Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 09Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 10Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 11Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 12Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 13Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 14Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 15Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 16Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 17Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 18Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 19Violet Makes a Big Mistake - 20

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