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The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream

The scene opens with Larz leaning in the corner, as usual -- unconcerned about whomever faces her … she’s clad in the jacket. Cut to Lo climbing through the ropes. She glances at Larz then turns to her corner as she unzips her jacket and then tosses it. Facing Larz, Lo laughingly asks, “Didn’t we just do this? With the gloves?” The typically unaffected Larz simply shrugs then gives Lo a long look and asks: “Have you ever had a Fever Dream? It can be intense. You see things. Maybe they’re real. Maybe just phantasms …” “Whatever,” Lo turns serious. “It’ll take more than a silly hold and a ratty jacket today.” The bell rings and an intense match begins. Lo is obviously stronger than Larz so it takes all of Larz’s cunning and quickness to avoid being submitted. She’s taken to the edge of defeat several times but in the end, her quick actions get the submission from Lo. And in a final act of humiliation, Larz introduces Lo to her “Fever Dream”! Enjoy!

The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 01Click here for our video teaser!The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 01The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 02The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 03The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 04The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 05The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 06The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 07The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 08The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 09The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 10The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 11The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 12The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 13The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 14The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 15The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 16The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 17The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 18The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 19The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 20The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 21The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 22The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 23The Lo-Down on the Fever Dream - 24

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