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Nikki Learns to Wrestle

We fade in on Larz straightening up the dressing room. The door opens and a new girl, Nikki, enters. She greets Larz and although she’s nervous about her first match, Nikki doesn’t think the brunette will be too tough. Larz takes offense to this but has to inform Nikki that she’s only there to film the match … and her match is with Lo. Larz gives Nikki her outfit and heads out to begin filming. When Nikki sees her opponent she almost backs out, but Lo pours on the sweetness and tells her that she’ll go easy on her and just give her a wrestling lesson. Nikki reluctantly enters the ring and quickly regrets her choice! Lo destroys the new girl from head to toe, describing each segment of holds until poor Nikki is knocked out by a reverse figure four head scissor. Lo takes her victory pose and leaves, and Larz ends the video by setting down the camera and going up to Nikki, letting her know that her NEXT match will be with her … and she won’t be as friendly as Lo!

Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 01Click here for our video teaser!Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 01Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 02Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 03Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 04Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 05Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 06Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 07Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 08Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 09Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 10Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 11Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 12Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 13Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 14Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 15Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 16Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 17Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 18Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 19Nikki Learns to Wrestle - 20

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