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Lo Can't Handle You

You’re the world MMA champ and have decided to fight the best FWR fem fighter. FWR accepts your challenge and the girls decide to have Lo fight you. After a brief interview where Lo, dressed in a bikini bottom and karate Gi top, vows to destroy you the fight begins. Lo flirts with you but you surprise her with an iron claw to the head. She yells “Hiyah!!” as she tries to escape but soon tells you that you’re crushing her. Lo manages to land some punches and kicks while using her “Hiyah!” sounds but you soon catch one of her fists and flip her to the mat, knocking her out. She wakes up only to find you stripping off her belt and gi top and getting ko’d a second time by your head claw. We cut to two weeks later when Lo announces that she’s called for a rematch and shows her tiny bikini that she plans to distract you with. The fight continues with her gaining the upper hand but your hand strength is too much for her as you squeeze her thighs and butt as she tries to scissor you. A final DEEP belly claw in the corner renders poor Lo unconscious to end the fight. Enjoy!

Lo Can't Handle You - 01Click here for our video teaser!Lo Can't Handle You - 01Lo Can't Handle You - 02Lo Can't Handle You - 03Lo Can't Handle You - 04Lo Can't Handle You - 05Lo Can't Handle You - 06Lo Can't Handle You - 07Lo Can't Handle You - 08Lo Can't Handle You - 09Lo Can't Handle You - 10Lo Can't Handle You - 11Lo Can't Handle You - 12Lo Can't Handle You - 13Lo Can't Handle You - 14Lo Can't Handle You - 15Lo Can't Handle You - 16Lo Can't Handle You - 17Lo Can't Handle You - 18Lo Can't Handle You - 19Lo Can't Handle You - 20

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