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Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School

Nikkie asked Liz Lightspeed to show her some wrestling moves but actually had other plans in mind. Liz was kind enough to demonstrate how to apply a figure four leglock then let Nikkie put it on her. Nikkie used her advantage to pour on the pressure, thinking that she could overpower the famous blond wrestler and build her own reputation! BIG MISTAKE!!! Liz quickly escaped and "took Nikkie to school"! Nikkie screamed her submission with each hold but it fell on deaf ears.  Liz was pissed and totally destroyed poor Nikkie right up until the very end when she put Nikkie back into a figure four leglock and CRANKED up the pressure! This amazing video ends with a fade out while Nikkie continues to scream and beg for mercy!

*Our vintage videos were filmed at a lower quality during the early years of FWR and are now being offered at a discount.

Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 01Click here for our video teaser!Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 01Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 02Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 03Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 04Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 05Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 06Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 07Liz Lightspeed Takes Nikkie to School - 08

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