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Kat Meets Poison Stevie

Our video opens to Kat in her corner, ready to wrestle. The camera pans to the opposite corner to see a woman’s back. She’s fully covered by a hooded robe until she slowly turns to reveal that she’s Poison Stevie. A shocked Kat is forced to participate in a match the Poison Stevie put together because she wanted to have some wrestling fun. The bell rings and Poison Stevie shakes Kat’s hand which instantly causes Kat’s eyes to go wide and roll up in her head. She drops to the mat unconscious. Stevie, in her sensual soft-spoken way, lays next to Kat and pokes her nose to wake her up. She reveals that her palm was holding a poison jewel that affected the groggy Kat. “This isn’t going to be a wrestling match, so much as a demonstration of my skills.” She sits the groggy brunette up then hand smothers her back into unconsciousness. From that point on, Stevie enjoys some limp play and a demonstration of a body scissor, dragon sleeper, reverse head scissor, and more. Then Poison Stevie demonstrates some 10 count pins and several sweet victory poses over the lovely sleeping Kat. A quick kiss on Kat’s cheek ends this great video. Enjoy!

Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 01Click here for our video teaser!Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 01Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 02Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 03Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 04Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 05Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 06Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 07Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 08Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 09Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 10Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 11Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 12Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 13Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 14Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 15Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 16Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 17Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 18Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 19Kat Meets Poison Stevie - 20

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