I finally released her but moved quickly, wrapping my arm around her neck to bend her backwards. This opened up her torso, leaving me an inviting target!
She was weakening quick so I put my boxing gloves on each side of her face and pulled her to her feet.
I could already see that she was ripe for the knockout because she was stumbling a bit on those long legs of hers. But I wasn't finished yet. I wanted her to feel completely dominated ... to the point that she would be begging to be knocked out!
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I remember how I started out feeling strong in my tight leotard but when
Mindy started pummeling me with her gloves I started feeling exposed in that little outfit. Now it was HER turn to feel that way! Her long pale thighs jiggled as I punched her vulnerable body and face! She no longer looked strong in that black leotard.
She was looking pretty pitiful hanging there on the ropes staring at me, but I wasn't done yet.
I threw a bunch of jabs directly into her pretty face. They weren't hard jabs, just enough to weaken her and let her know who was boss!
It was time to get her down to the mat so I lifted her up so that she stood straight. I was a bit surprised that she was so tall, but it would make the uppercut work even better!
I kept her head steady with my left hand so that I could nail her directly on the chin! Her head snapped back and she made a little "UNGH!" sound. I stepped back and watched the tall babe fall like a ton of bricks.
I honestly think she was out before she hit the canvas!
I gave her a tap with my boxing glove and was surprised that she let out a little moan! It looked like she still needed a little lesson in who's the strongest woman in this ring!
Since wrestling moves were allowed, I moved beside her head and placed it between my thighs. She didn't open her eyes but continued to moan softly.
It was really funny how her eyes suddenly popped open when I tightened up on the scissors! And that body made another inviting target so I threw a bunch of punches into her belly!
I got tired of beating her body but still wanted to squeeze her head so I switched positions to a different head scissors.
Even though I was just gonna do a little squeezing, her face became another target for my boxing gloves! I just couldn't help myself and popped her a few more times!
It was hilarious looking down into her face and seeing her silly expressions as I humiliated her with my boxing gloves! I knew that she was ready to go nighty-night and finally released her. I used my boxing gloves again to lift her up to her feet.
I mocked her as I lifted her up. "C'mon sweetheart, it's time for you to taste leather!"
It was PERFECT! I had worn her down to the point that she stood on rubber legs, her arms hanging uselessly at her sides. Her eyes were glassy as I set myself for the big punch. I never felt stronger and more powerful as I stood there in my leotard, measuring the distance from my fist to her jaw!
I brought my boxing glove back and stepped into the punch so that it would have the maximum effect. She looked SO pitiful as she swayed there like a big, beautiful, helpless amazon .. waiting to get knocked out!
She actually leaned in as my glove came up under her chin. I could tell that she was ready for the end!
It was awesome! I simply stood back and watched her drop, smashing her face into the canvas and knocked out from my hard uppercut!
There are two things I love most about beating up another girl.
The victory poses and ...
... leaving her lying in the ring as I step through those ropes to go celebrate my win, knowing that when she wakes up she'll be all alone. She'll realize that she got beat up BADLY and knocked out by a much better woman than she'll ever hope to be!