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Button Mashers

Count up your quarters because FWR is headed to the arcade!  Lucy and Larz go toe-to-toe as characters in a video game themed match with both beauties trading submissions, strikes, and special moves over the course of three punishing rounds!  Lucy comes out swinging with a gut punch and a standing head scissor. Larz fights her way out of a headlock and retaliates by launching a fireball that leaves Lucy sizzling against the ropes followed by a flurry of knees to the midsection. Larz presses her advantage but is stopped by Lucy’s uppercut and electrifying super heart punch that concludes round 1. Round 2 opens with an exchange of fists and knees before Larz applies a cobra clutch and slams Lucy's head repeatedly into the turnbuckle.  Lucy soon responds with belly blows of her own but swiftly succumbs to a vaporous toxic kiss blown by Larz!  Round 3 begins and Lucy wastes no time seizing Larz in an abdominal stretch and an electric whirlwind spin.  Larz's flexibility is tested in an over-the-knee backbreaker that has her screaming in pain but a desperate low blow saves Larz from further abuse and she attacks her stunned adversary with a bearhug and a knee to the face. Lucy ends up trapped Lucy in the ropes facing out of the ring where she’s brutalized with punches, chops, and a belly claw. Victory at hand, Larz ends the match with her signature move: the dreaded power drain, drawing the energy from the rival player's mouth! Larz strikes a sexy, satisfied pose...ready for a new challenger! Don’t miss this special effects filled video created by FWR and @swaypike!

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