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Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie

After her humiliating boxing match against you Jackie decided to bring in her friend to help her get even. You meet her and Violet in the ring as the two of them confidently begin landing punches to your face, but before long you’re able to duck and dodge the blows. A sudden double hook has the girls crossing their eyes and dropping to the mat twitching. The match continues as you work over one girl then the other. Your punches cause their eyes to cross, faces to become blank, tongues to stick out, and bodies to twitch. At one point, while the girls are throwing wild punches, they accidentally knock each other out! You finally remove your boxing gloves and enjoy knocking the dazed and punch-drunk girls out with your bare fists and even a frying pan. You also place the girls side by side on the ropes, put black jacks in their gloves and cause them to bop each other on the head. The fun ends when you place tazers in their gloves and watch as they jiggle and bounce from the shockwaves. Don’t miss this epic silly knockout video featuring two of our best eye-crossing beauties!

Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 01Click here for our video teaser!Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 01Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 02Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 03Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 04Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 05Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 06Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 07Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 08Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 09Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 10Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 11Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 12Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 13Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 14Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 15Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 16Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 17Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 18Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 19Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 20Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 21Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 22Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 23Boxing Jackie Jupiter & Violet Pixie - 24

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