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Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie

We join Kat in the ring wearing her signature schoolgirl skirt as Jackie enters wearing a similar outfit. An angry Kat tells Jackie she has no right to steal her “look” but Jackie simply says that she wear what she wants and beats her opponents however she wants. And the match begins! Jackie takes the early lead with a hook, low blow, corner splash, some snap mares, and a clothesline. But when she stops to trash talk Kat she’s kicked between the legs, taking the steam out of her! Kat takes the offense and works Jacki eover in the corner with slaps, punches, and a speedbag facial! A nerve pinch to the neck crosses Jackie’s eyes and drops her in the butt-in-air position. Kat removes her skirt and proceed to wrap her hot thighs around Jackie’s neck in several positions. An airplane spin, body slam, and Kat’s new finisher, the Kitty Kat Klaw. Poor Jackie sees stars, goes unconscious, gets matchbook pinned, and the match is won by Kat! Don’t miss this great match!

Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 01Click here for our video teaser!Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 01Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 02Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 03Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 04Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 05Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 06Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 07Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 08Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 09Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 10Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 11Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 12Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 13Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 14Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 15Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 16Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 17Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 18Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 19Anything Goes: Kat vs Jackie - 20

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