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A Model Wrestling Match XIV

Get ready for an explosive clash as Persephone and Haley lock horns in a submission wrestling match that's guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat! These fierce competitors showcase their skills with a body scissors, Boston Crab, armbar, ab stretch, modified Romero, figure-four leglock, and an Indian Deathlock. The ring comes alive as Persephone tightens her grip with a body scissors, while Haley counters with a shoulder-straining armbar. The action intensifies as they exchange holds, including a jaw-dropping ab stretch and a punishing modified romero. The climax hits when Haley traps Persephone in an Indian Deathlock, followed by a breathtaking figure four leglock. This submission wrestling showdown is a rollercoaster of skill, tenacity, and determination. Who will emerge victorious? Find out as Persephone and Haley leave it all on the mat!

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