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Renee's Special Powers

We join Renee, a new freshman at the “FWR School for the Gifted”, as she’s heading to a meeting with her new teacher. She informs the cameraman that she’s going to ensure that her new teacher cooperates with her in her quest to become the school’s biggest star. Cut to you in the studio as Renee enters. She shakes your hand then shoots electrical current through you! The super-powered beauty then proceeds to demonstrate her abilities while beating the stuffing out of you. Her powers include shocking you with her touches and strikes, causing blackouts to attack you in the dark, and holding you in place to concentrate her energy into power attacks that send you flying! After a long fight Renee knocks you out with a finger to temple brain shock. After sending a message to the rest of the students and faculty, Renee uses her hands like a defibrillator to shock you out of your slumber, places you in a reverse head scissor, and puts you out for good. She poses victorious over you as you sleep under her sexy boots. Enjoy!  (*This video is in WMV format)

Renee's Special Powers - 01Click here for our video teaser!Renee's Special Powers - 01Renee's Special Powers - 02Renee's Special Powers - 03Renee's Special Powers - 04Renee's Special Powers - 05Renee's Special Powers - 06Renee's Special Powers - 07Renee's Special Powers - 08Renee's Special Powers - 09Renee's Special Powers - 10Renee's Special Powers - 11Renee's Special Powers - 12Renee's Special Powers - 13Renee's Special Powers - 14Renee's Special Powers - 15Renee's Special Powers - 16

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