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Poison Stevie's Sidekick

You’re a special agent who has found Poison Stevie’s lair and sneak in to capture her. But you’re surprised by a new bad girl who sucker punches you and knocks you out. You awaken to find yourself tied in a ring corner with Poison Stevie in front of you. She welcomes you then introduces you to her Larz, her newest sidekick. Stevie has Larz use you as a punching bag to practice on with punches and kicks. But when Stevie gets too critical of Larz, the dark haired beauty turns on her! A kick between the legs and several face punches drops Stevie onto the mat, leaning against you. Larz steps in to trash-talk you but gets her leg scratched by Poison Stevie’s venomous fingernails! Instantly drugged, poor Larz is now Stevie’s new victim! Stevie flips larz to the mat, applies a camel clutch, a boston crab, a leg lock, a surfboard, a head scissor, a rope choke, and finally throws Larz into you and body splashes both of you. A short foot choke followed by a Poison Stevie toxic kiss ends this fun video. Enjoy!

Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 01Click here for our video teaser!Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 01Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 02Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 03Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 04Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 05Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 06Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 07Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 08Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 09Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 10Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 11Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 12Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 13Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 14Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 15Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 16Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 17Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 18Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 19Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 20Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 21Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 22Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 23Poison Stevie's Sidekick - 24

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