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Ok, I'm a Rookie!

Anaid and Jackie meets face to face in the ring as Jackie says, “Oh good! A rookie. This’ll be an easy win.” The confident Anaid responds with “We’ll see. I’m tougher than you think.” The multi-fall wrestling match begins with Anaid flipping Jackie to the mat and following with a camel clutch submission. Round two has the girls trading holds until Jackie gets a seated lotus lock on her opponent for the submission. In round three a rope choke, straight head scissor, and figure four head scissor gets the submission from Anaid. Round four starts with a test of strength with Anaid winning to put Jackie into a standing arm pull, corner body splash, corner head scissor, and an ankle scissor choke brings the submission from Jackie. The final fall has Anaid gaining a reverse head lock on Jackie but our red-head forces the break, gives Anaid a corner body splash followed by a crippler cross face hold that finally gains the submission. Anaid is forced to admit that she’s a rookie as she struggles in the hold! Jackie follows up with a sleeper hold that finishes the diminutive beauty off. We know you’ll enjoy this awesome match!  

Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 01Click here for our video teaser!Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 01Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 02Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 03Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 04Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 05Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 06Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 07Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 08Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 09Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 10Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 11Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 12Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 13Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 14Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 15Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 16Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 17Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 18Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 19Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 20Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 21Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 22Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 23Ok, I'm a Rookie! - 24

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