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Luna's FWR Initiation

We love initiating new girls here at FWR so we brought in Jackie to join her in the ring. Dressed in tiny bikinis, wrestling boots and kneepads, the girls made their way to the ring. The rules were simple, a one fall match to a submission. The bell rang and Luna made the first move with a headlock, snap mare, and reverse head scissor! But ring-wise Jackie pushed free of the hold and took control with a bow and arrow, inverted standing head scissor, Boston crab, a surfboard back bend, a camel clutch, a snap mare, side head scissor with leg pull, a double-arm choke with back bend, a hangman, and a final match winning torture rack submission! Jackie took the victory pose then yanked Luna’s head up by the hair to say, “Welcome to FWR, Luna!” 

Luna's FWR Initiation - 01Click here for our video teaser!Luna's FWR Initiation - 01Luna's FWR Initiation - 02Luna's FWR Initiation - 03Luna's FWR Initiation - 04Luna's FWR Initiation - 05Luna's FWR Initiation - 06Luna's FWR Initiation - 07Luna's FWR Initiation - 08Luna's FWR Initiation - 09Luna's FWR Initiation - 10Luna's FWR Initiation - 11Luna's FWR Initiation - 12Luna's FWR Initiation - 13Luna's FWR Initiation - 14Luna's FWR Initiation - 15Luna's FWR Initiation - 16

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