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Little Jeannie's Fan

Devon is scheduled to wrestle a well known pro wrestler by the name of Little Jeannie and is excited for the chance to meet her idol! When she approaches the woman for an autograph, Jeannie waves her off saying that she hasn't got time for rookies. An angry Devon then goes to the referee, Zoey, and enlists her help to make sure that Jeannie doesn't win the match. Zoey is happy to help and although Jeannie TOTALLY destroys Devon, Zoey won't let her get the pins. Jeannie ends up so frustrated that she attacks poor Zoey! This epic match includes some of the greatest outtakes we've ever seen!

*Our vintage videos were filmed at a lower quality during the early years of FWR and are now being offered at a discount.

Little Jeannie's Fan - 01Click here for our video teaser!Little Jeannie's Fan - 01Little Jeannie's Fan - 02Little Jeannie's Fan - 03Little Jeannie's Fan - 04Little Jeannie's Fan - 05Little Jeannie's Fan - 06Little Jeannie's Fan - 07Little Jeannie's Fan - 08

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