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Lauren is a Knockout

After her introductory video, Lauren was a huge hit and the customs have been pouring in! This special video has Lauren demonstrating how she can knock herself out. She asks if you want to help and proceeds to take a drink from a bottle that you’ve dropped a ko pill into. She suddenly gets sleepy and drops, spread eagled on the carpet. When she wakes up and stands on wobbly legs, you bop her on the head a few times with a blackjack. Once again, she falls to the carpet and you enjoy checking her eyes and listening to her snore. You use your “special power” to wake her (a touch of her neck) and she smiles and stands. She grabs a frying pan and asks you to count how many times it takes for her to knock herself out with it. After 4 hits and different reactions, sweet Lauren is laid out on the mat as you check her eyes, tap her cheek, move her head and mouth, then finally wake her. Her final knockout is with a chloro rag. She takes several tries to place the rag on her face in a very cute segment that finally ends in the same laid out position on the mat, snoring a little. A lengthy limp-play scene brings this fun video to a close. We know you’re going to love seeing Laurne in solo action!

Lauren is a Knockout - 01Click here for our video teaser!Lauren is a Knockout - 01Lauren is a Knockout - 02Lauren is a Knockout - 03Lauren is a Knockout - 04Lauren is a Knockout - 05Lauren is a Knockout - 06Lauren is a Knockout - 07Lauren is a Knockout - 08Lauren is a Knockout - 09Lauren is a Knockout - 10Lauren is a Knockout - 11Lauren is a Knockout - 12Lauren is a Knockout - 13Lauren is a Knockout - 14Lauren is a Knockout - 15Lauren is a Knockout - 16Lauren is a Knockout - 17Lauren is a Knockout - 18Lauren is a Knockout - 19Lauren is a Knockout - 20Lauren is a Knockout - 21Lauren is a Knockout - 22Lauren is a Knockout - 23Lauren is a Knockout - 24

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