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FWR Sirens

We fade in to find two evil villains peeking into the ring at Teddy. Poison Stevie tells Jackie of Hearts that she’ll use her toxins on the bear while Jackie grabs the flash drive that they need. Teddy out maneuvers the girls and runs off to the dressing room where a short battle begins. Teddy attacks the girls and they end up knocked out on the floor. But our sexy villains finally gain the upper hand only to be interrupted by a call from the ring … “Let my boyfriend go!” The girls run out to the ring to find Lethal Lo standing in the ring, ready to fight. Stevie and Jackie are no match for the statuesque good girl and get knocked out several times. At one point they nearly over power Lo as Jackie strips from her body suit and displays her karate abilities (in a rather comical way). She drops Lo with her legendary “quick kick” then holds Lo as Stevie scratches her with her knockout venom. We fade out to find Jackie and Stevie sitting on the couch, their cute bare feet resting on Lo’s shoulders. Thinking she’s under their power, they giggle but are soon hit with a double uppercut that drops them to the couch. Lo informs them that her and Teddy have the antidote to Stevie’s poison. The remainder of this fun video has Lo playing with the girl’s feet as they snore on the couch. We finally fade out as Daisy and Teddy dance happily in the ring while the beautiful bad-girls sleep. Enjoy!! 

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