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Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy

The bad blood is evident from the start as Daisy and Mackenzi face off, nose to nose, in the ring. Daisy tells Mackenzi that she’ll regret fighting her and Mackenzi replies that she’s going to knock Daisy out. They bring their bare fists up and the fight is on! Fists pound on chins and bellies as the girls trade punches, each girl taking her fair share of punishment. But it’s Daisy who is the first beauty to drop, holding her chin as Mackenzi yells at her to get up. Daisy recovers and quickly drops Mackenzi in a corner from a hard uppercut. The action continues with lots of knockdowns and back and forth action until one beautiful fighter has had enough and begs for it to stop. But that only brings more punishment until the final good night kiss and hard uppercut, sending the loser crashing to the mat. A final victory pose brings our fight to a close as you get a long look at the unconscious loser, lying face down on the mat. Enjoy!

Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 01Click here for our video teaser!Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 01Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 02Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 03Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 04Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 05Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 06Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 07Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 08Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 09Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 10Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 11Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 12Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 13Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 14Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 15Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 16Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 17Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 18Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 19Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 20Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 21Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 22Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 23Fist Fight: Mackenzi vs Daisy - 24

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