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Fever Initiation

Heather enters the dressing room where Larz is busy looking at her cell phone. She challenges Larz to a match but Larz isn’t interested, telling heather she’d be better off challenging someone easy like Persephone. This angers the tall blond and before you know it, the two are in the ring, squaring off. Heather surprises Larz in the early stages of the match by over-powering her, putting her in a corner for some shoulder spears, then a headlock, a rope choke, body scissors, full nelson, and a lotus lock. But the crafty tattooed girl turns the tables on her foe and takes control with a few knee strikes, a front facelock, some shoulder spears, a few snap mares, a chin lock, and a single leg head scissor. Having weakened Heather, Larz proceeds to lift her into an airplane spin, dizzying the girl, then nearly finishes her off with her signature fever dream (cobra clutch). But Larz isn’t finished teaching the beauty a lesson and works her over on the ropes before ending the match with a screaming submission via a creative reverse hammerlock/leglock combo! Don’t miss this amazing video!

Fever Initiation - 01Click here for our video teaser!Fever Initiation - 01Fever Initiation - 02Fever Initiation - 03Fever Initiation - 04Fever Initiation - 05Fever Initiation - 06Fever Initiation - 07Fever Initiation - 08Fever Initiation - 09Fever Initiation - 10Fever Initiation - 11Fever Initiation - 12Fever Initiation - 13Fever Initiation - 14Fever Initiation - 15Fever Initiation - 16Fever Initiation - 17Fever Initiation - 18Fever Initiation - 19Fever Initiation - 20Fever Initiation - 21Fever Initiation - 22Fever Initiation - 23Fever Initiation - 24

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