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Caught in the Wrestling Vortex

This custom video features Constance as a wrestling video game programmer who gets drawn into her own game. She finds herself dressed as a pro-wrestler facing Larz, one of the characters she’s created. Larz informs her that to escape the vortex, Constance must defeat her in a match. She has 5 attempts to get Larz to tap out or submit, otherwise, she’ll be trapped there forever! The match begins and Larz quickly overpowers Constance with a single leg crab and an iron claw that knocks Constance out. Suddenly, the screen swirls and we find the women back in their corners for Constance’s next attempt to escape. As the match progresses, Constance struggles to survive, losing 3 more rounds. With only one “life” left, Constance gets caught in a figure four leglock and desperately punches Larz, knocking her out. But the hold is still applied and Constance goes unconscious from the pain. The round ends in a draw and Constance still has one more round to save herself. Oh, the drama!!! We recommend this fun video!

Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 01Click here for our video teaser!Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 01Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 02Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 03Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 04Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 05Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 06Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 07Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 08Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 09Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 10Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 11Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 12Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 13Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 14Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 15Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 16Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 17Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 18Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 19Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 20Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 21Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 22Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 23Caught in the Wrestling Vortex - 24

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