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Body Scissors with Lo

You’re a champion wrestler called the Body Scissor Champ because your finishing move is a powerful body scissor submission. Lo considers her body scissor to be stronger than yours so she meets you in the ring and challenges you to a body scissor contest. You refuse so she talks you into an arm-wrestling match to decide. Lo mocks and taunts the fact that you’re not as strong as you think and slams your hand down. The contest begins with you putting your massive wrestler legs around her and with no effort the blond beauty escapes! Then it’s her turn and those long beautiful legs tighten around your midsection causing you to frantically tap out! The contest continues with Lo dominating you while talking to her friend on the phone, knocking you out at one point, letting you have some free belly punches to soften her up (which she easily shrugs off), and finally  forcing you to kiss her feet before smothering you out. A final scene of her sleeping on the couch and you trying to choke her but only ending up with her legs squeezing you as she continues sleeping brings this fun video to an end. Enjoy wrestling with Lo!

Body Scissors with Lo - 01Click here for our video teaser!Body Scissors with Lo - 01Body Scissors with Lo - 02Body Scissors with Lo - 03Body Scissors with Lo - 04Body Scissors with Lo - 05Body Scissors with Lo - 06Body Scissors with Lo - 07Body Scissors with Lo - 08Body Scissors with Lo - 09Body Scissors with Lo - 10Body Scissors with Lo - 11Body Scissors with Lo - 12Body Scissors with Lo - 13Body Scissors with Lo - 14Body Scissors with Lo - 15Body Scissors with Lo - 16

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