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Becca's Rematch

(Filmed 9/26/2015) Becca has challenged you to a rematch after you knocked her out in your previous encounter (see "Three Rounds with Becca"). She's confident that she's "gonna beat you up and you're gonna take it!" The bell rings and you connect with a few punches but Becca comes back and knocks you on your butt! She dominates round one and you're saved by the bell. In round two she comes out strong and lands some solid shots but you respond with a big counter punch that rocks her. You soon take control and work her over for most of the round. She drops a few times but manages to get up before the 10 count. In round three you pound her early but she comes right back at you! It's pretty much an even round and neither of you gain the advantage. Round four and although there's a bit of back and forth punching, you soon take control and Becca finds herself on the mat several times before being saved by the bell! Round five is a TOTAL domination of our cute blond! Poor Becca is rocked by your punches and goes down several times before you finally put her to sleep with a HUGE punch! The 10 count is official and you get to take a good long look at the sleeping beauty on the mat beneath you! ENJOY!

Becca's Rematch - 01Click here for our video teaser!Becca's Rematch - 01Becca's Rematch - 02Becca's Rematch - 03Becca's Rematch - 04Becca's Rematch - 05Becca's Rematch - 06Becca's Rematch - 07Becca's Rematch - 08Becca's Rematch - 09Becca's Rematch - 10Becca's Rematch - 11Becca's Rematch - 12Becca's Rematch - 13Becca's Rematch - 14Becca's Rematch - 15Becca's Rematch - 16Becca's Rematch - 17Becca's Rematch - 18Becca's Rematch - 19Becca's Rematch - 20

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