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Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo

Two voluptuous beauties face off in the FWR ring to compete in an Anything Goes match. The veteran Goldie Blair charges her opponent, FWR’s own Lo, and face punches her into a corner. Some slaps and a few more punches sets Lo up for a speedbag facial! A quick toss into the opposite corner for a body splash has poor Lo dazed and in perfect position for Goldie to use her “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (a breast smother!) After several more holds Goldie adds a grapevine pin and breast smother combo that nearly puts Lo to sleep but Goldie has more plans. She begins to pull Lo to her feet when suddenly, Lo springs to life and hits the busty beauty with a hard low blow! Lo announces that it’s her turn to introduce Goldie to her new move, the “Lo Low Blow!” TONS of kicks and forearm smashes between Goldie’s legs completely debilitates the visiting wrestler. Lo finally introduces Goldie to HER weapon of mass destruction – her ample butt in Goldie’s face – then has Goldie seeing stars and hearing birdies via the FWR blackjack. A reverse face press pin seals the deal and Lo is declared the winner! Yay!

Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 01Click here for our video teaser!Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 01Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 02Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 03Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 04Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 05Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 06Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 07Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 08Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 09Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 10Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 11Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 12Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 13Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 14Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 15Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 16Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 17Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 18Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 19Anything Goes: Goldie vs Lo - 20

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