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A Model Wrestling Match XII

Two successful models, Daisy and Larz, are finalists for a contract with a major fitness model magazine. These beauties obviously don’t like each other so the incentive to win this contract is unbelievably strong! The match is submissions only with the winner gaining five submissions. In the event of a tie, Daisy (who won last year’s contract) will keep her contract. After some trash talk, Daisy jumps into action gaining submissions with a body scissors, ab stretch, figure four leglock, and Indian deathlock. But Larz fights back to dominate Daisy with a camel clutch, armbar, ab stretch, and figure four leglock. An extremely tight torture rack that nearly bends poor Daisy in half causes the young beauty to scream her submission! Larz wins the match and becomes the next fitness model magazine contract!

A Model Wrestling Match XII - 01Click here for our video teaser!A Model Wrestling Match XII - 01A Model Wrestling Match XII - 02A Model Wrestling Match XII - 03A Model Wrestling Match XII - 04A Model Wrestling Match XII - 05A Model Wrestling Match XII - 06A Model Wrestling Match XII - 07A Model Wrestling Match XII - 08A Model Wrestling Match XII - 09A Model Wrestling Match XII - 10A Model Wrestling Match XII - 11A Model Wrestling Match XII - 12A Model Wrestling Match XII - 13A Model Wrestling Match XII - 14A Model Wrestling Match XII - 15A Model Wrestling Match XII - 16A Model Wrestling Match XII - 17A Model Wrestling Match XII - 18A Model Wrestling Match XII - 19A Model Wrestling Match XII - 20

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